Generate Solana Wallet Address

There are two recommended ways to create a solana wallet address. If you already have a solana wallet address, this step can be ignored.

Using Solflare

Go to Then choose Access wallet.

On the next page, choose I NEED A NEW WALLET .

Next, you will be provided with a list of mnemonic phrases. Download or write these phrases down. This is essential as the phrases will be required for access to the wallet.

You will then be asked to enter and fill out the empty boxes to verify your mnemonic phrase key. Once entered, click CONTINUE.

The next page, create a password, click CONTINUE.

Complete! You will be taken to the wallet dashboard, which contains the address.

Using Phantom

The browser version of the Phantom wallet is recommended, but you can also choose other Solana wallets.

  1. Install the Phantom extension on your browser.

  2. Create a new new wallet or I already have a wallet import.

Last updated