Installation Guide ( supply )

System Requirements:

  1. CPU cores ≥ 4

  2. GPU memory ≥ 10G

  3. Running memory ≥ 16G

  4. Storage ≥ 500G

You are advised to install the system as user root. After logging in to the system using a terminal, run commands:

sudo -i


Go to the installation directory:

cd $HOME

Download the Exabits single node agent, run the command:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Follow the prompts to enter the solana wallet address (If you don't already have one, first read the document Generate Solana Wallet Address to create a wallet address) and agent name.


Ensure the Exabits service is running:

systemctl status exabits.service

The following output indicates a successful running:

exabits.service - EXABITS Agent Linux Service
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/exabits.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-05 03:18:39 UTC; 21min ago
   Main PID: 57931 (agent_linux)
      Tasks: 5 (limit: 4373)
     Memory: 8.0M
        CPU: 572ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/exabits.service
             └─57931 /root/exabits/agent_linux A********aH5Q2WDAomeUq8fY1cQ2Adem8TwZyfJeWbL ****-agent

Enter q to quit.


From the above results, you can see the running status and the installation path. Active: active (running) is normal, and /root/exabits/agent_linux is the installation path is/root/exabits


Update Your Exabits Agent to the latest version.

OPTION 1: Wallet Address and Agent Name Stay the Same

If you don't need to change your wallet address and agent name, follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Enter the Exabits Installation Directory

After entering the directory, you will see files similar to the following:

Step 2: Run the Update Script

In the Exabits installation directory, execute the command: ./

The execution result is as follows:

OPTION 2: Wallet Address and Agent Name Must Be Updated

If you need to replace the wallet address or agent name and update the version, follow these steps.

Step 1: Enter the Exabits Installation Directory

After entering the directory, you will see content similar to the following:

Step 2: Perform the Local Deletion Operation

Step 2.1 Perform the Local Deletion Operation

In the Exabits installation directory, execute the command: ./

The command lines here should look something like this:

Or, after stopping the Exabits service, you can delete the entire Exabits directory. The command is as follows:

systemctl stop exatbis
cd .. # this is your exabits dir's parent dir
rm -rf ./exabits

The screenshot is similar to the following:

Step 2.2 Delete the Agent Information File

Execute the deletion command: rm -rf ~/.config/cf-agent/

Step 3: Delete the Node Service

Go to, find your node, and perform the following operation:

Step 4: Reinstall Exabits Agent

Enter the directory where you want to install the Exabits Agent, and execute: bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

During the installation process, follow the prompts to enter your new wallet address and agent name to complete the installation.

Monitor your Agent

Visit Exabits node dashboard to check the connection status and rewards of your agent.

Before getting started, install a Solana wallet. The browser version of the Phantom wallet is recommended, but you can also choose other Solana wallets.

Connect wallet

Select Phantom

Enter Dashboard

Click the device name to enter the device details page.

Last updated